A message from Managing Director, Janine Carhart:
It is undoubtedly a challenging time for all of us. Barriers Direct are closely watching the latest COVID-19 developments whilst working tirelessly to maintain as normal a service as possible for our customers.
Here is some information to hopefully provide a little reassurance, and a few ways that you can help make a big difference:
- We are well stocked. We have plenty of stock in-house ready to ship, much of which is UK manufactured. New stock is on order everyday to prevent unavailability, and we’re available to take your orders.
- Ensure someone can receive your delivery. This gives us better availability accuracy whilst ensuring a more efficient delivery service. We understand it might not be possible at the moment, so if you know there is no one available to take your delivery, please let us know as soon as possible.
- We will do our best. There will undoubtedly be some disruption due to driver and staff shortages. We will try to maintain the highest level of service possible, though some issues with late deliveries are unfortunately expected. We kindly ask you to be patient with delivery expectations, and help us by making sure someone is available to receive goods ordered.
- We’re offering contactless delivery. We will deliver and drop to your doorstep or workplace. To avoid infection risk, drivers will stand 2 metres back on arrival to prevent physical contact. The driver will fill in delivery receipt details on the hand-held scanner whilst in your presence, so you don’t have to make contact.
- Don’t forget our bulk ordering offer. Delivery slots are selling fast, so remember we offer great discounts on bulk orders. Buying in this way reduces unnecessary contact through multiple deliveries and helps us get orders out faster - all whilst reducing the number of delivery vehicles on our roads.
If you’d like further information, please read our delivery terms and conditions around COVID-19 and feel free to contact us, we are here to help.
Thank you for your co-operation and patience at this time.
Janine Carhart
Managing Director